Recommended Equipment List

  • Set of light weights, i.e., 2 pounds (cost varies)
  • Set of medium or heavy weights, i.e., 5 pound or 8 pound (cost varies)
  • Theraband, light and medium (yellow, red, green, blue) 5 feet long ($15 set)
  • Eric Franklin Air Ball, 9” inflatable blue ball ($17)
  • OPTP 36×6” full round soft pink foam roller ($60)
  • OPTP soft mini ball, 1.5” blue ($11)
  • Theraband or Spri tubing with handles, green ($16)
  • Theraband door anchor ($7)
  • 3” yoga blocks ($7)
  • Oov from Balanced Body ($180)
  • Miracle Balls by Elaine Petrone, teal blue with mini book ($25)
  • Furniture sliders or paper plates
  • Gymbandit set of 5 mini loop bands, 11” ($16)
  • Large inflatable PhysioBall, 55cm, 65cm, 75cm to fit your height ($13)
  • Yamuna balls,  all sizes, some available for purchase in studio or ($25-$35)
  • Yoga Tune-Up balls, all sizes, some available for purchase in studio ($10-$18)


Equipment used by class:

Core Class

Mat or soft surface

Optional & occasional:  light weights, theraband, furniture sliders

Perfect Your Posture

Theraband or equivalent (belt, 4’x4” cut towel, dog leash, etc)


Set of light weights, Theraband, Eric Franklin 9” Air Ball, high back chair for balance

Optional & occasional:  Theraband door anchor

Soft Roller

OPTP Soft Pink foam roller, OPTP soft mini ball

Standing Strong

Set of light, medium, and heavy weights, sneakers


Oov from Balanced Body

Occasional: loop bands, light weights, Theraband, furniture sliders


Class focus and equipment varies by month, but can include:

Yoga blocks, Theraband, Miracle Balls, large physio ball, Eric Franklin 9” ball, soft roller, Yamuna balls