Release and Restore Series Workshops


The Release and Restore Series of Workshops are intended to teach the participant how to get relief from their aches, pains, and discomfort.


Through understanding the source of pain, the participant will then be empowered to help themselves feel better with take-home, do-it-yourself exercises using Pilates principles. All classes use Miracle Balls, spikey massage balls, and small props. These workshops are not intended to replace physical therapy, but rather enhance the participant’s knowledge and restore proper biomechanics.


Release & Restore, Focus: Low Back Level 1.

You will learn exercises to relieve aches, pains, and discomfort in the low back. Addresses: flexibility and stiffness of psoas, tight hip flexors and quadriceps, weak core, tight hamstrings, lumbar muscles.


Release & Restore, Focus: Low Back Level 2.

See above. Additional exercises to increase core strength to alleviate and prevent low back aches, pain, and discomfort.


Release & Restore, Focus: Hips Level 1.

You will learn exercises to relieve hip and SI joint pain, tightness, and discomfort. Addresses: SI joint dysfunction, tight IT bands, rotated pelvis, tight low back, weak core.


Release & Restore, Focus: Hips Level 2.

See above. Additional exercises to increase pelvic stability.


Release & Restore, Focus: Feet

You will learn exercises to relieve aches and pains in your foot, ankles, and calves. Addresses: plantar fasciatis, bunions, tired and sore feet, flexibility or lack thereof, of the foot and ankle.


Release & Restore, Focus: Shoulder Girdle and Neck.

You will learn exercises to relieve aches, pains, and discomfort in the shoulder girdle and neck. Addresses: tight pectoralis (chest) muscles, chronic stiff neck, muscle knots in the trapezius (shoulder girdle) muscles, rounded shoulders, forward head.


Release & Restore, Focus: Posture and Breath

You will learn what anatomical ideal posture is and how to achieve it. We will release tight muscles and strengthen weaker muscles to bring your musculosketal system closer to ideal posture. Proper breath facilitates tension release and helps your journey to optimum functional fitness. It is amazing how important proper breathing is to your overall health. You will learn through static and movement how to breath diaphramatically. Addresses: whole body imbalances.